Sanna Wieslander

29 jan 2021

Imitating marble and wood.

My God, time has really flied ever since I started at Tibro's craft academy. A whole semester has already passed! I thought I would write a lot here and update you on what we are up to in school, but time has just disappeared. But now I'm here!

During this semester we've been practicing the basics in decorative painting, imitating different kind of marble and wood, ornaments and been studying shades and light. We've also had furniture history and studied various ornaments and design languages ​​through the centuries, which we will later learn to weave into our painting. Very exciting! When we paint, we use and old technique called "beverage mix" (beer + pigment) in the first layer and then half oil and pigment in the remaining layers. But we have also worked with a slightly more modern technique/paint called marbling base. For me who just been drawing with pencils before, this is a whole new world! But it's so much fun to paint with oil and pigments!

Here are some pictures of what we have been doing lately at school.

Painted kålmårds and ekebergs marble with shadows.

Imitating wood - flaming birch.

Imitating wood - different techniques painting oak.

Imitating wood - walnut with frame.

Imitating wood - walnut with frame.

Imitating wood - The beginning of an intarsia.

Imitating wood - finished intarsia, walnut with frame and different kind of birch.

Shadow technique - The beginning of a Mascaron painted with oil. (Mascaron is a relief ornament in the form of a stylized grinning face that merges with a surrounding ornamentation.)

Shadow technique - The beginning of a Mascaron. This sour man is not finished yet.

Now these basic courses are over, but I will continue to immerse myself in decorative painting during term three. We have now started two new courses - gilding and molding. And it's sooo much fun! We are sculpting, molding, building frames and gold leafs and imitation leafs are flying back and forth all over the class room! :)

More pictures and info about that is coming soon. Bye bye for now. Talk to you soon!
