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Internship at dekorationsmålarna.

Now I'm home again after two weeks of internship in the capital itself at the awesome decoration painters Veronica and Alexander ( It's been amaing! Yesterday when I went home I really sat with a huge smile on my face all the way back to Skövde.

I went up to Stockholm two weeks ago and landed with my luggage at my dear friend Amanda (who's also a great jewelry designer who runs the company ). We shared studio together in Gothenburg and she moved there only a few months ago. So I was very happy to get so much quality time together with her again. Then it was time for work! I took the subway to visit Veronica and Alex's cozy workshop in Midsommarkransen. They've been so kind to me from the first day and they have taught me a lot of new things and shown how they work. So exciting, fun and educational!

This dream team works as decorative painters and are mainly engaged in marbling staircases and decorative painting doors. When I was there, we hung out in their workshop where we practiced painting different marbles and woods but I also got to accompany them on several different assignments in stairwells around the city. From simple glazing on exterior doors to more luxurious mahogany imitations on double doors on beautiful Östermalm. It's really amazing how they can make magic with just a little paint and some brushes!

And not only that! I even got to hang out with them at Hantverkargalan (a huge craft gala in Sweden)! Usually this is a big gala with dinner, performances and glitter, but due to the pandemic, it was run via zoom where all nominees were attending through video link. So I went home to Veronica where we blew balloons and had dinner with a live broadcast via TV and computer. And you know what? THEY WON! I'm so happy for them and it was so well deserved! So now I can honestly say that I got to have my internship with Sweden's best decorative painter! How cool is that? ;)

Here are some pictures from the past weeks.

We practice marbling in their creative workshop.

And wood.

We traveled arround in the city and painted new security doors so they would look like wood.

Study visit to Stockholm National Museum (there's very fine marble there, both real and painted).

We paint doors in beautiful staircases on Östermalm. Here, everything on the walls is previously decorative painted (marbled).

Everyone should have ceiling paintings like this in their stairwell or what do you say? (I don't know who made this one unfortunately.)

A double security door who's about to get a new mahogany look by Veronica and Alex. I also got to paint some parts!

Alex and Veronica in action!

I got to paint the right mirror!

The finished result! Doesn't it look real?

I cut together a small video of the process when we (read them) painted the door. (Click on the video to make it bigger)

And here we have two happy winners of the 2020 AND 2021 crafts gala! Thank you so much Veronica and Alex for taking care of me these two weeks! It has been soooo much fun! Especially when we got to end it in a way like this! I really hope to see you guys again soon!<3



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