I work with my own company as a decorative painter and illustrator, but I also work part-time at Colorama/Billingefärg in Skövde a few days a week. So I thought that now that Christmas is approaching, our dear paint store must have some chess paint! Because how many times have we been watching Santa's workshop on TV as they paint the chess boards and said "It would have been great to have a paint like that!" (That's a thing we do in Sweden on Christmas Eve). All said and done, I collected a tomb jar, brush, some black and white paint and a lot of tape and tried to make a chess paint bucket. And now it's finally available at Colorama/Billinge färg! (At least to watch ;)
And this is what it looked like when I made it.
Sacrificed an old, thin cutting board from Ikea which I glued into the jar.
Painted it with adhesive primer.
Love tape. Chess pattern in the making!
Tried to make it look like it's spilling over the edge.
Time for chess board and brush. This is what our tables usually look like. Constantly messy, full of creative projects and paint. But I think it's quite lovely! ;)
Ebba helps me to paint.
Even the brush has got some squares on it now.
And this is how it ended up.
Now available to look at in the entrance at Colorama/Billingefärg in Skövde for those who are curious! :)