Here the days run away at a crazy pace! It usually does on holiday, but it goes even faster now when we have little Ebba. Right now we fill the days with lazy days at the beach, lots of excursions and quality time with family and friends. It's really wonderful! <3 But I have also had time to draw a little. Among other things, a portrait of our little Ebba. I thought I would do at least one portrait of her a year then she's going to get them all when she grows up. Maybe on her 18th birthday.
This is what the drawing process looked like step by step:

Reference photo

There she is our little sunshine! Next time I will probably not choose a picture where she has a pajamas with 589 stripes on (haha). Right now I am on maternity leave, but if anyone is interested in order a portrait, I thought I would bring it up again this autumn. Just give me a call or send me an email.
Hope you have a great time in the summer heat!