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Tibro's craft academy

A month has already passed at school and it's crazy how time suddently flies. I am studying at Tibro's craft academy where I'm learning everything I can about decor painting, surface finish and gilding. Until now, we have mainly practiced how to imitate and paint different kind of marble (mixed with some light and shadow studies and furniture history). It's so much fun to finally be able to sit and paint and be creative full time again!

Here are some pictures from the school and the past month.

Practicing "Verte de mer" marble.

Our class room.

Ornaments and shadow technique.

Different stones and marble that we will learn how to paint.

Our teacher is going through how to paint cararra marble (Photo by Kenneth Modin).

Making a foundation for trompe l'oeil - practice. All students are going to paint a butterfly with shadow.

Finished cararra marble with butterfly.

White door vs. a decor painted door.

Ida is checking out the painted panels in the classroom (we are about to learn how to make all these different marblings and grain paintings during our education)

It's so wonderful to be up and running again! I think I will update a little here in between for those who want to keep up with me in my everyday life among brushes, pencils and panels. If you are curious and want to know more about the education or Tibro's craft academy, you can read more HERE. It's truly an inspiring place where we share roof with several other creative educations such as wood sculptors, upholsterers and restorers.

Talk to you soon!

- Sanna

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